On June 21-22, SURF organizes, together with the HW Acceleration Network community, an FPGA for HPC seminar, under the name “FIRE: FPGA Innovation Research Exchange“.
You are invited!
This is the first of a series of workshops which brings together FPGA practitioners, Computer Science and Engineering experts, Scientific Computing experts and application owners, and HPC providers, in an effort to build a community to evaluate the need and usability of FPGAs in HPC and Scientific Computing. The event takes place in Utrecht, at Moreelsepark 48, from June 21 to June 22, 9:00 to 17:30.
We planned an exciting program!
On the first day, we have 3 plenary talks by researchers in the HWAccel community (June 21, morning), two invited talks from an FPGAs integrator (University of Paderborn) and an FPGA vendor (Xilinx) (June 21, after-lunch), and a set of selected pitches from the community, those using (or wanting to use) FPGAs for their own computational science applications and tools (June 21, afternoon). These pitches are selected to stir discussion and assess the potential impact of FPGAs for different domains, specialists, experts, and SURF.
Day two (June 22) is reserved for an FPGA programming tutorial by Xilinx.
We have a limited number of seats. Please contact us if you are interested to join.